CafeMom Tickers

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Single Occupancy

I've decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon.  Let's just cut to the chase--Andy and I are expecting our first baby in June!  Hopefully this blog will allow us to update others on the happenings of what's to come with Baby Bynum. 

What an interesting past few weeks 'tis been.  Aside from a moderate amount of morning/night sickness, I have been feeling fine.  Andy has been more than supportive.  He deserves a medal for his patience and caretaking abilities. 

We went to the doctor last Thursday for the first ultrasound.  Everything appears right on track with the due date set for June 10.  Baby Bynum has a rapid heart rate clocking in at 162 bpm!  I've had several friends and family members assure me that it's a girl because of the fast heart rate, but I guess we'll just have to wait several more weeks for the final verdict!

This weekend I am looking forward to getting away with two close friends from high school, Lindy and Elizabeth.  We're headed to Hot Springs for some rest and relaxation.  I cannot wait to tell them the big news!  They are each expecting their second child, so we will just be able swap pregnancy talk the whole weekend.  Can't wait!!


  1. Oh, I'm so excited for you!! You are going to be such a great Mama!

  2. Congratulations Ashley!!!! I am so excited for y'all!!!
    -your big sis!

  3. Congrats Ashley! I super excited for you guys!!!
